Exclusive Freebies

Download exclusive extra content, extended epilogues, deleted scenes & more.

The Intrepid Highwayman bonus

Lady Avery and the False Butler

This is exclusive bonus material for Lady Avery and the False Butler.

Lady Ludmilla's Kiss in the Theatre bonus scene

Lady Ludmilla's Accidental Letter

Download a deleted scene that didn't make it into the book.

Eleonore's Wish Bonus Scene

Miss Hilversham & the Pesky Duke

This exclusive bonus excerpt includes an alternate ballroom scene, a deadly duel... and an umbrella.

Penelope and the Maharajah - Bonus Scene for Penelope and the Wicked Duke

Penelope & the Wicked Duke

Download an extended epilogue for a peek into Pen's and Alworth's married life and their adventures in India.

A Sprig of Heather

Birdie and the Beastly Duke

Download an extended epilogue that gives a peek into Birdie's and Gabriel's married life several years later.

Lucy and the Duke of Secrets

Lucy and the Duke of Secrets

Download a scene that didn't make it into the book.

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